How to Make WordPress Allow Larger Media Files to Be Uploaded

How to Make WordPress Allow Larger Media Files to Be Uploaded (7 Best Ways)

WordPress is a powerhouse with many themes and plugins that let you build almost any kind of website, from an online store to a business network. But when choosing WordPress hosting, you should first think about how well it works, how safe it is, and how well it is supported.

If you are building a WordPress site that has a portfolio with big image files or a video hosting site with a single media file that is several gigabytes in size, you might run into a problem where you can’t upload media files larger than 25MB.

This article will tell you WordPress’s maximum upload size and the best ways to check it and raise it.

How big can a file be that you upload to WordPress?

When you build a website, you have to add files like images, videos, themes, plugins, and so on. And if the upload file size is set to the minimum, it can be hard to upload big files. Depending on how your web hosting is set up, the largest file you can send to WordPress is usually between 2MB and 150MB. Most of the time, this limit is set at the server level by your hosting company to avoid timeouts. By default, the size of a file you can send to Kloudbean is 10MB.

How to Find Out What WordPress’s Maximum Upload Size Is Right Now?

To see how much you can add to your WordPress site, go to WP Admin > Media > Add New. At the bottom, you’ll see the current maximum upload size, as shown in the picture.

If the current maximum upload size works for you, you don’t need to change it. But if it doesn’t, don’t worry; there are many ways to increase WordPress’s maximum upload size.

How to Make WordPress Allow Larger Media Files to Be Uploaded?

These are the best ways to increase the maximum amount of media files that can be uploaded to WordPress.

  1. Change the file.htaccess
  2. Edit the functions.php file
  3. Make or change the php.ini file
  4. Raise the size of uploads on a multisite
  5. Change the file wp-config.php
  6. Using the Plugin Method
  7. Get in touch with your hosting company
  1. Change the file.htaccess

    If your web server uses Apache and PHP is set up as an Apache script, you can increase the maximum upload size in WordPress by adding the following lines of code to the .htaccess file:

    php_value upload_max_filesize is 64M
    php_value post_max_size 128M
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value max_execution_time 300
    php_value max_input_time 300

    This will tell you how many Megabytes is the most you can send. Change the numbers to suit your needs. Both the max processing time and the max input time are measured in seconds. The processing time sets how long a single script can take to run. Pick a number that works for your website.

  2. Edit the functions.php file

    If you can’t access the .htaccess file or prefer to change WordPress theme files, you can raise the size limits by adding the following lines of code to the functions.php file of your theme:

    @ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
    @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
    @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

    Keep in mind that if you change the theme, the maximum upload size will go back to its normal settings until you edit the functions.php file of the new theme, as this code is added to your current theme.

  3. Make or change the php.ini file

    You can create or edit the php.ini file to increase the maximum upload size. Use SSH or FTP to access the root directory of your WordPress site and look for the file named php.ini. If it doesn’t exist, you can create a new file and add the following code:

    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    post_max_size = 128MB
    memory_limit = 264MB

    If you create a new php.ini file, upload it to the same root folder using SSH or FTP.

  4. Raise the size of uploads on a multisite

    If you are running WordPress on multiple sites, you can adjust the settings to increase the maximum file size for uploads. The available options depend on your network configuration.

  5. Change the file wp-config.php

    Another way to increase the maximum file size for uploads is to edit the wp-config.php file. Use SSH or FTP to access the top directory of your WordPress site and locate the wp-config.php file. Open the file with a text editor and add the following code:

    @ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '20M' );
    @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '13M');
    @ini_set( 'memory_limit', '15M' );

    Save your changes, and the maximum file size you can upload should increase.

  6. Using the Plugin Method

    If you prefer not to write code or use SSH/FTP to access root files, you can use a WordPress plugin called “Increase Max Upload Filesize” to simplify the process:

    1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Click on “Plugins” and then “Add New.”
    3. Search for “Increase Max Upload Filesize,” and click “Install” and then “Activate” the plugin.
    4. Once the plugin is active, go to its settings and enter the desired upload size.
    5. Click the “Save Changes” button to apply the new file size.

  7. Get in touch with your hosting company

    If you prefer not to make these changes yourself, you can contact your web hosting company and ask them to increase the maximum upload size for your WordPress site.

    If you use Kloudbean’ managed WordPress hosting, you can easily increase the maximum upload size for all your websites on a single server using the platform’s tools. Log into your Kloudbean account, go to “Server” under “Server Settings & Packages,” and adjust the “Upload Size” field as needed.

    In Conclusion

    This article has explained various methods to increase the maximum file size that can be uploaded to WordPress. While some methods may not work with all web hosts, you can always contact your hosting provider for assistance. Ensuring that your website loads quickly and efficiently is crucial, so optimizing your uploaded files is essential.

    If you have any additional insights or methods for increasing WordPress’s maximum upload size, please share them in the comments section below.


    Q1. How can I get my hosting provider to let me raise the maximum file size I can upload?

    Most hosting companies offer a setting in the server configuration that allows you to increase the maximum file size allowed for uploads in WordPress. Check your hosting provider’s knowledge base for instructions, and if you can’t find the information, contact their support team.

    Q2: Will raising the maximum upload size slow down the speed at which the site loads?

    Increasing the maximum upload size for files in WordPress should not significantly impact the site’s loading speed. However, it’s essential to ensure that any files you upload are properly optimized to prevent slow loading times for your users and search engine crawlers.

How to Sell a Website: 7 Steps to Make Fast Sale

How to Sell a Website: 7 Steps to Make Fast Sale

Do you have a website or an online store that is up and running? You might make more money if you sell it than if you keep it running. A lot of people can’t get rid of their websites, even though they don’t want to run them.

Or they don’t have time to keep it up. As a result, they might have a lot of money but don’t know what to do with it.

If so, you have come to the right blog post. There would be a lot of people and businesses who would want to buy your live page.

We’ll show you how to sell your websites for the right price down below.

Selling a website can be just as tiring as selling a house in some ways. Some may sell better than others. But if you know what to do, it’s easy to catch the attention of possible buyers and make a deal. Adam Audette, SVP and SEO leader at Blend360, said it best: “It’s a battle to get noticed online amidst all the noise and crowds.”

Let’s go over the steps that will help you sell your website quickly and for what it’s really worth.

How to Sell a Website Step-by-Step in 7 Steps

Here are the seven best ways to sell your website and make a good amount of money.

  1. Understand Your Audience
  2. If you try to sell a website without knowing who you might be selling it to, it’s like selling with your eyes closed.

    There are different kinds of people who buy websites for different reasons. Business people, writers, investors, etc.

    By figuring out who you want to buy from you, you can improve, change, or redo your website to meet their needs and goals. Also, your website will sell more quickly if it gets more people to visit it.

    So, how can you know who you’re writing for in the first place?

    Market study is the most important part of this. There are many ways to figure out who your audience is, such as using search engines and social media to look for clues or talking to people in person. Take part in the talk forums is a great way to do this.

    Let’s say you want to sell an online store. Join the ecommerce discussion boards to learn about the most common problems that owners and managers of ecommerce stores have with their websites. Make sure your website talks about them, and you’ll improve your chances of getting good deals.

    There are a number of things that people who want to buy websites are interested in, such as:

    • Sources of traffic
    • Channels for getting content to people
    • Plan designs
    • Ability to work
    • Type of content

    Find out what your ICP (ideal customer profile) wants and what your website has to give. It would be best to have detailed reports about your website’s traffic, content, website speed, etc. Then you can target your efforts and make more money for your business.

  3. Find out how much your website is worth.
  4. Know how much your website is worth before you try to sell it.

    You can set the price of your website in different ways. This step is important if you don’t want to undersell yourself. Let’s look at how to set the right price for your website:

    Have a rough idea. Most of the time, if your website makes good money and is in a popular niche, you can easily sell it for 20–30 months’ worth of earnings. So, if your site makes $1,000 a month, you can probably sell it for $20,000 to $30,000.

    Check around for lists of websites. You can look for websites that have the same kind of passwords as yours and see how much they cost.

    Think about the factors. The price of a website can depend on many things, such as the number of daily visitors, the business, the age of the domain, the website’s SEO ranking, and so on. When figuring out how much your website should cost, you should think about all of these things.

    Use tools to figure out prices. There are a number of people who can give you quotes for your site. and SiteWorthTraffic are two examples. You can only get rough figures from these tools. Sometimes, their ideas can be very different from what your site is really worth.

    Tax is another important thing to think about when setting the price of your site. Most people who sell websites think that whatever price they get is profit. But they soon get tax bills that they don’t like and hate to pay.

    When setting prices for your site, it’s a good idea to know what the tax effects are. This will help you figure out how much the website is worth in money. Website taxes are hard to figure out, so it’s best to talk to a tax expert before putting your website up for sale.

  5. Reduce how much you have to do and make the processes run themselves.
  6. Running a website takes a lot of work from each person. You know that already. But you should know that once you sell the website, you shouldn’t have to help the new owner run it.

    In fact, if the possible buyer sees that your website depends a lot on you being there, they’ll probably just pass on the deal.

    Yes, you’d be needed to make sure the handover went smoothly, and you might be needed for a while after the changeover, too. But if the buyer always needs you, it will bother both you and the buyer.

    Here are a few things you can do to make sure the handover goes easily and that you can leave the process without any problems once the deal is done:

    • Automate the tasks on your website. Use tools and plugins to automate common website jobs to save time and work. With Kloudbean, you can use SafeUpdates to update your WordPress plugins, make backups easily, and get reports on how your site is doing.
    • Give jobs to the VAs. You have to do a lot of boring and repetitive things to run the website, like talk to customers, keep track of sales, etc. You can teach virtual helpers to do these kinds of things so that you don’t have to worry about them.
    • Hire third-party services to help you with SEO and creating content.
    • Make sure that all the credentials are given over safely so that you don’t have to worry about anything after the handover. Tools, passwords, emails, and so on.

    Remember that buyers are most interested in websites that make money with little work on their part.


    Because most investors want to grow their investments and find ways to make money without doing anything.

    Even if someone has other needs, they wouldn’t want to be depending on you for a long time. So, fix the problems with how you run your website, and you’ll have a better chance of making a good deal.

  7. Learn about the right places to buy and sell websites
  8. As marketing and business grow and change, there are more and more of everything. Every second, something new pops up, like new software, search engines, blogs, or markets.

    So, don’t put yourself in a box when you’re trying to sell your site.

    There are many ways you can go about selling your website. Let’s look at a few:

    Websites that sell things

    It can be easy to compare selling a website to selling a house online. You can sell your websites on marketplaces and let potential buyers bid on them. You can try out different sites, such as Flippa, BusinessExits, Empire Flippers, and so on.

    These tools are especially good at helping different kinds of website owners sell their sites. For instance, Flippa is well-known for selling websites that make less than $300,000 per year.

    Think about using BusinessExit for sites that make a lot of money. Each platform has different commission rates. Flippa charges $49 to sell and 10% of the sale price. Empire Flippers, on the other hand, has different commission rates based on the list price, such as 15% for properties under $1 million, 12% for properties between $1 million and $2 million, etc.

    Be careful: Know how commissions work on platforms before you list your websites to avoid costs you didn’t expect. Check out the suggestions below for other ways to sell your websites.

    Talk of the Town

    If you work in the same field as the people who visit your website, they would already be interested. It can be easy to sell something by word of mouth. So, if you decide to sell the website, you should let your friends know.

    Even if they wouldn’t want it themselves, they probably know someone who would.

    Groups on social media: e-commerce is easy to do on social media sites. You can look for groups and pages where people who might want to buy your website hang out.

    You can also tell people about it on your social media pages, and those who are interested could get in touch with you.

  9. Optimise your website before putting it on the market.
  10. As was already said, SEO is a key way to find out who your target crowd is. But it is also the most important part of a good website. Without it, a website will fall apart and become useless.

    SEO is now the first thing buyers ask website owners and managers when they ask, “Is your website optimised?””If the answer is no, they won’t think twice before moving on to the next big thing.”

    So why is it so important to make sure your website is optimised before you sell it? Optimisation helps with:

    • Search engines are better able to figure out why your website exists.
    • Raise the rank of each page of your website on Google.
    • Through keywords, you can get more of your target crowd to visit your website, which will lead to more clicks.
    • Turn hits on your website into money for you or the people who bought it.

    Google also punishes sites that are not optimised. Its algorithms only rank the web pages that load quickly, are easy to use, and are reliable. If you don’t optimise your website before you try to sell it, its organic exposure might go down.

    There are a number of ways to improve websites today. In general, you should work to improve your site’s:

    • Conversion numbers (how many people who visit your website do what you want them to do, like sign up for your newsletter)
    • Visibility (making it easy for people to find your website when they look for it)
    • Usability (making your website and its pages load faster and work better) is a way to improve its optimisation.

    To be more detailed, you can make your website work better by using tools and methods like:

    • CDN stands for Content Delivery Network.
    • Using a better host, like a virtual private servers (VPS) host, can speed up the time it takes for a website to load.
    • Getting rid of some of the tools, CSS, and JavaScript files on your website pages can help it load faster.
    • Your website’s central management system (CMS) can be used to optimise your database. This will help speed up your site and cut down on the time it takes to load.

    All in all, you need to do this if you want to sell your website for a fair price. If you don’t, your website will be “just another one” in the huge sea of materials available online. But if you have a site that is ready to impress potential buyers and has been optimised, you can even sign up for website trading services that will get you great deals.

    They’ll take a cut, but it’s likely that they’ll help you sell for more than you could on your own.

  11. Learn the right way to talk to people who are interested.
  12. Listing the sites on different platforms is not the only way to get bids for your website. You can also go to the buyers yourself and make a deal with them.

    Knowing and understanding your target group is different from approaching potential buyers. This has to do with who will be most interested in your website, which is important if you want to sell it quickly.

    But narrowing down your target group helps you find buyers who are interested in what you have to offer. It will help a lot to sell websites. If you know how to deal with clients from a business perspective, it could help you a lot as you try to sell your website.

    Some people who sell websites make the mistake of putting them up for auction on a marketplace that is meant for a bigger, more general audience. Sometimes, you have to look for possible customers in places where they are already.

    If your website has a clear niche, try to sell it in a place where people buy other websites in the same field. Some common niches for websites are healthcare, digital marketing, making money online, coupons, blogging tips, food and recipes, etc.

  13. Find the correct numbers to show buyers
  14. People tend to believe what they see, and numbers don’t lie, so statistics are everywhere. If you want to sell a website, the person you want to sell it to will ask for numbers.

    If you want to sell a website quickly, you won’t be able to convince a possible buyer by saying something like, “My website will make a lot of money in the long run.”

    But if you add statistics to the report summary or an item, maybe in the form of a statistical animation, they will turn their heads and listen to what you have to say.

    For example, look at the following overview of website data for a made-up website:

    You can also show the same information in a more interesting way, like in the examples below.

    Make your reports as detailed as you can so you can show what your website can really do and get a better price.

    Most people who sell websites use SEMrush or Ahrefs to collect and show data about their websites. But Google Analytics makes the job much easier to do. It gives website numbers as a whole, which can then be made more appealing to buyers. And now that GA4 is out, you can get even better and more detailed results to help you flip websites.

    No matter how you show a buyer the stats about your website, make sure they are:

    • Dependable, true, and real.
    • Backs up what you say about your site’s strengths and flaws.
    • Isn’t too’stuffy.’
    • Doesn’t make any broad or sweeping claims.
    • is as clear as it gets.
    • Gives possible buyers a general idea of what your website is about, why it’s important, and how it works.

    When they look at your website’s statistics, they should immediately get a good idea of how valuable it is and how well it will do in search results. Don’t forget to talk about your high-ticket clients, especially those who buy from you again and again.

    Tip: There are many free templates for showing website statistics that you can download if you don’t want to make a chart from scratch or show your client what Google Analytics says about your website.

    Here’s how to sell your website the right way.

    Selling your website can be a very hard thing to do in the modern world. Every day, new websites are made, making it easy to get lost in the crowd.

    But if you have a great website and sell it to the right person, you can make a lot of money. Now that we’ve reached the end, you should know what to do to sell your site for as much as it’s worth.

    Just check that:

    • It works well,
    • Put on the right websites,
    • Has there been a good report on the methods and traffic sources,
    • Made well enough to get people’s attention.

    You’re all set.

    Don’t forget that it’s your offering at the end of the day. Do everything you can to sell the site for as much money as possible. And if you don’t need money badly, don’t undersell yourself and do the right study before you sign a deal for your website.

    I hope that your deals go well.


Q1. How to Get a Client to Buy a Website?

Before you try to sell your website to a client, make sure you know the numbers behind it. Then you can sell it and get bids.

Q2. How Much Should a Website Cost to Sell?

You should be able to sell a website for 25–35 times what it makes each month. So, if a website brings in about $2,000 a month, you should think about selling it for about $50,000.

Q3. How Much Time Does It Take to Sell a Website?

It takes different amounts of time to sell a website. Once it’s on the market, it can take anywhere from 15 to 90 days to sell. Obviously, this time period can be longer or shorter, but this is when most websites sell.

Q4. How do I go about selling a website?

The best way to sell a website is to hire a website broker or list it on a website marketplace. They can promote your website on a number of social media sites and also act as middlemen to handle the whole sale process through escrow.

What does Private label mean?

What does Private label mean?

Most goods sold in stores and online come from suppliers. Not many brands make and sell their products directly to customers. This sales channel strategy is becoming more famous, but it is still not very common.

In contrast to companies that sell video conferencing solutions or other SaaS, many companies sell goods without using their own name or branding. That is unless they engage in the production of private label products. If you don’t know what the word means, keep reading. We’ll tell you exactly what these things are. Then we’ll list the most important pros and cons of each.

What Is a Private Label?

A private label product is one that a store has made by a third party but sells under its own brand name. Everything about the product or goods is up to the retailer. That includes the product’s specifications, how it’s packed, and everything else.

Then, private label goods are sent to the store to be sold. From the customer’s point of view, these are the company’s “own brand” goods. For instance, a seller of collaboration software might start a private label line of conference call hardware. These things would be made by another company. But they would be sold under the brand name of the first business.

In most areas of consumer goods, there are both branded and private label lines. Some examples of industries where private labeling is most common are:

  • Grooming and personal care: Nail salons, hairdressers, and other places may sell nail paint, shampoo, and other products with their own labels.
  • Food & Drink: The store’s own name of condiments, sauces, and other food items.
  • Clothing: Clothing shops on the high street often sell their own lines as well as branded ones.
  • Pet Food & Accessories: Pet shops that sell their own food, toys, and other items.

What’s good about private labels

So, why is private labeling popular in so many niches? Simply put, it’s because this method is good for stores of all sizes in many ways. Here are the four most important ones:

  1. Ability to change.
  2. Some stores get all of their goods from sellers. So, they depend on them to respond to what the market wants. If customers start to want new lines or features, it’s up to the sellers to change what they have to offer. This can take a long time.

    When a store has its own brand of goods made, it can be more flexible. They can act faster if they see a change in how customers act. With a quick online video call, they can tell the company making the product how to change it.

  3. Control over how things are made.
  4. Retailers don’t only have more power when they need to change quickly. Private labeling is also good because it gives you more control over production.

    The store tells the maker of a private label product how to make it in every way. They can name the parts or ingredients. They can insist on exact specs, even for things as basic as the color or shape of a product.

  5. Have power over prices.
  6. When stores use private labels, they are in charge of the whole supply chain. They set and control the costs of production to make sure that the prices are the most profitable. The way things are made makes sure that the final edges are as healthy as possible.

  7. Have control over your brand.
  8. The problem with selling branded products is that people don’t love your business. They are loyal to the people who make their best things, not the people who sell them. You can put your own name and brand on private label goods and their packaging.

Private labels have some problems.

In online or retail, nothing is ever black and white. Private labeling has a lot of good points, but there is also one major possible bad point.

  1. It’s hard to get people to like a brand.
  2. In theory, putting your brand on goods is a great idea. In reality, though, it can be hard to get people to care a lot about a brand. In a niche, your private label lines often go up against well-known brands.

    These brands that have been around for a long time have some big benefits over your private label lines. One thing is that they will be sold in a wider range of shops. Your own brand goods will be the only ones on your shelves. Brands that are national or international also have a much bigger budget for advertising their goods.


Private labeling is a choice that both internet and brick-and-mortar stores can make. It’s when a seller has products made to sell under their own name and with their own logo. The main good thing about this is that it gives stores more power. They decide what is made, how much it costs, and how it is branded. But it’s not easy to go up against well-known names and manufacturers.

35+ Best Dropshipping Products for 2023 to Sell Online

35+ Best Dropshipping Products for 2023 to Sell Online

One of the best and most popular online businesses to start in 2023 is dropshipping.

It’s easy and almost free to start a dropshipping business that makes money. You just need to set up an online store, get goods from an online market, and start advertising them on social media and search engines.

But it can be hard to find the best goods to dropship that will make you money.

When coming up with dropshipping business ideas, it’s best to find niches that have low competition and a lot of searches. Or, you can go with goods that are popular at the moment and sell like hotcakes.

In this piece, we’ll show you 35+ of the best dropshipping products that can help you win the dropshipping game.

We made a list of both and will tell you everything you need to know about them. But before we get to choosing a great dropshipping product, let’s find out what the best dropshipping products are and why they sell the most.

Which Dropshipping products sell the most?

Dropshipping is mostly about getting things on the spot. You promote a product on social media, normally through ads on Facebook or Instagram, and if someone likes the product, they will buy it. In fact, you can sell anything if you show it off well.

Successful dropshipping equals impulse buying plus buying power plus a product that is in demand.

All you have to do is make sure your ad is interesting and keep the price low.

A good ad is like a hook that makes people want to buy the product. When they show interest, you tell them how much it costs. The price should be as low as possible so that they sell right away.

Trying to Decide What to Dropship? Some of the products that sell best through dropshipping are:

  1. Items under $10 that are useful. For example, a meat thermometer, a key chain with red pepper spray, a cleaner for the microwave, a dish towel, a brush, a cleaning tool, wipes, etc.
  2. Items that are hard to find in other places. If you sell unique products that most people don’t sell, you’ll instantly beat your competitors.
  3. Products that make life better, like air filters, etc. If you make high-quality items, you can charge a lot for them.

If you use these tips when looking for products, you’ll be better able to find the kinds of goods that make great dropshipping businesses.

Which should you pick for dropshipping: a niche or a trend?

Try both.

The best way for a beginner to do this is to try out several items at once. But remember that selling hot items isn’t always the best way to make money.

So, make sure you have a good mix of niches and popular items. When you start making sales, you can go back to the goods you want to sell and change them based on what your buyers say.

Top Dropshipping Niche Trends

Check out the list of the dropshipping niches that will make the most money in 2023. You can take your dropshipping store to the next level by using these niches. Find a niche on the list, choose the right goods, and then sell them to the right people.

    1. Clothes for women

Women’s clothing is one of the hottest and most profitable areas for dropshipping.

You can sell anything for a cheap price, from T-shirts to formal dresses.

Choose a theme for your brand and offer unique products that make your dropshipping store stand out from the rest. This group is aimed at a wide range of people.

There are more than 100,000 items for sale in this area on Amazon. Most of them are for winter and the holidays. This niche is on our list of the top dropshipping niches to watch in 2023 because the trend is more likely to go up than down.

    1. Things for babies

If you search for “baby products” on Amazon, you’ll get more than 50,000 hits.

In 2023, newborn baby wrap blankets, baby carriers, nappy backpacks, newborn photography props, and mini nebulizers will be some of the best-selling items in this area.

    1. Things to use

This popular and profitable selling niche has more than 100,000 search results on Amazon and a lot of online interest.

To make money in this area, you should go after younger customers and sell specialised toolkits that can fix wear and tear problems at home, at work, or in cars.

Electric screwdriver sets, handy plastic welders, electrician scissors, and more are some of the best-selling items in this area on AliExpress.

    1. Accessories for cars

When you look for “car accessories” on Amazon, you get a list of more than 100,000 items that are for sale.

Also, statistics show that each American owns at least one car. This shows that accessories for cars might never go out of style.

To make money in this dropshipping area in 2023, you can sell things like car decal stickers, custom bumper stickers, cell phone mounts, and even auxiliary cables.

    1. Products for beauty

No one doesn’t want to look good.

If you look for this area on Amazon, you will find more than 100,000 items. That alone shows how much people want items in this niche.

Essential oils for hair growth, Hyaluronic acid face cream, makeup brushes, and other similar products make between 2,500 and 12,000 sales on AliExpress alone. All of this is to show you that starting a dropshipping business in this niche has a lot of promise.

We suggest that you look deeper into these niches to find out what people love to buy in sub-niches as well.

How to Find Dropshipping Products That Sell Well?

We have a list of steps to help you find the best dropshipping products to sell in 2023 if you want to make it easier to choose products.

      • Look for the area you have chosen for your store on Amazon, AliExpress, or Etsy.
      • Look at the number of items sold in each niche to figure out which goods are the best sellers.
      • Google Trends is a good place to check how popular those items are.
      • Choose the most popular ones and you have a list of products for your store.

Online platforms for finding goods can help you find winning products for dropshipping. These things will help you find the best things to sell. The following are some of them:

      1. Product Mafia
      2. Pexda
      3. Thieve
      4. Product Research Lab (FB Group)
      5. Trending Products to Sell
      6. Shopify Dropshipping (FB Group)

These websites give dropshippers all the information they need to successfully market their goods, like CPA, profit margin, interest, and more.

Most of these sites also have their own discussion boards or Facebook groups. Here, you and other dropshippers can easily talk about how their product efforts went. They can also pay a small fee to get more help from the writers if they need it.

Once you know what you want to sell, it might be a good idea to learn a bit about how to upsell to learn how to sell.

Also, once you’ve chosen the goods, you can promote them on your online store or blog. Check out choices like AWS, Digital Ocean, GCP, Linode, and Vultr for Kloudbean’ CMS hosting or hosting from other companies.

List of the Top best items to sell through dropshipping in 2023

Here are some of the most profitable dropshipping goods you can sell through social media and search engine marketing.

  1. Knitted DressThis year, the main style in women’s dresses has been to make them feel comfortable. Last time this season, our Instagram feeds were full of cosy jumper dresses, and now they are back to making women look cheerful and on-trend again. So, we kept knitted dresses at the top of our list of things to send.

    They are sold in all Chinese online shops, but AliExpress is the best place to buy them to make the most money.

    The price of the item starts at $15 and goes up to $28. So, if you export this product, make sure to keep a 100% margin.

    Product Review

    How much?

    $15.87 – $26.04

  2. Ring LightsIn current times, Ring Lights are a popular dropshipping product. Several people who make digital material use it to make videos for Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other sites.

    There are different forms and sizes of these, and you can easily get them from Aliexpress and sell them for a higher price.

    Look at the prices


  3. Wireless Security CamerasA new report from WBOC says that the market for wireless cameras is likely to grow a lot in the next few years. Because of this, we put it on our list of the best dropshipping goods for 2023. The Google Trends report below shows that it has also gotten a lot of attention online over the past 5 years.

    Product Review

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  4. Type C Fast Charger and iPhone USB CableThis product is a must-have for anyone who loves the Apple iPhone, especially now that the iPhone 13 series has come out. You can sell it with a Type C Fast Charger that works with the iPhone 13 and a case for the iPhone 13.

    This product is bought by a lot of different people, but it’s a great gift idea. As the holidays get closer, this product is selling more, which makes it a great dropshipping product.

    Product Review

    How much?

    $1.99 to $18.58 (with Type C Fast Charger)

  5. Ear PlugsEarplugs are one of those things that many of us need from time to time to make our lives better. They are also known for being easy to lose, so people buy them again and again. As a seller, you can buy them for a small amount and sell them for 100% more.

    The picture below shows that a lot of people are interested in the goods. You have a chance to make a lot of money by selling this popular export product.

    Product Review

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  6. Cordless Electric Drills Electric tools are another great dropshipping product that I found this year.

    Most people buy a brushless power drill that comes with a 5–6-piece set.

    It works best when sold with two 21V batteries, five extra parts, one charger, and one box. With this method, the main Pro Stormer store on AliExpress has filled about 6,310 orders.

    The Google trends picture also shows an upward trend for electric drills. So, if you want to use dropshipping to sell things online in 2023, handheld electric drills will be a great choice.

    Product Review

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  7. Deep Tissue Massage Tool This popular deep tissue trigger point massage tool is also Amazon’s choice, which means it has good reviews and a good price. These are made so that you can get a good grip and get the most out of them.

    This massage tool also saves your thumb and joints from wear and tear and makes it easy to apply the right amount of pressure for a deep trigger point massage.

    At one point, the item could be bought for $7.01 on AliExpress from New Healthy Day Store.

    This is a product you can sell on your dropshipping store with a 100% profit margin.

    Product Review

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  8. Couple Unisex T-shirts Couples have been wearing matching unisex T-shirts for a while now. It’s a great gift that newlyweds give each other to show how much they love each other and enjoy their marriage.

    They love to wear it on trips, beaches, and other places where they want to make memories together.

    We put a couple unisex T-shirts on our list of the most popular dropshipping goods of 2023 because of this. The Google trends study below shows that the trend will only get stronger during the winter holidays.

    Product Review

    How much?

    $18.99 – $24.79

  9. Rice Cooker Rice cookers are becoming more popular as a type of cooking device. Because it’s much easier to cook rice in this machine than on the stove. It also cuts down on the time it takes to cook rice.

    You might want to put this item on your list of the best dropshipping items to sell.

    Product Review

    How much?

    $14 – $150

  10. Baby Monitor Millennial parents are more aware and thoughtful about parenting, and they also know how to use technology well. That’s why selling baby monitors can be a good way to make money in 2023.

    It will not only make money, but it is also a great tool that can help people who are busy working and taking care of their families.

    Many pet owners buy this product so they can keep an eye on their pets, which is a big part of its target market.

    Product Review

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  11. Loose Jeans This year, it’s clear that straight-leg, barrel-leg, boot-leg, baggy, and asymmetric jeans are better than slim jeans, as seen at Gucci, Celine, and Victoria Beckham. These mid-rise and high-rise jeans are here to stay, which is good news. So, if you are a dropshipper in 2023, this is a hot item to sell.

    As the above Google Trends study shows, the number of people who want loose jeans is only going to grow. So, you shouldn’t hesitate to sell this popular dropshipping product.

    Product Review

    How much?


  12. Wall Clock Wall clocks give any room a modern look and are a great way to make a fashion statement. This is why we put wall clocks on our list of the best items for selling.

    Simple patterns, like the one in the picture, are on trend right now. Some, like the Queen rock band wall clock design, the big world map wall clock design, the wooden vintage wall clock, and the modern, minimalist digital wall clocks, are louder.

    There are many different kinds of wall clocks, and your shop can carry them all if you want to be a customer favourite.

    Product Review

    How much?


  13. Gaming Chairs If you can make someone’s game experience better, you can make a lot of money.

    Millions of people all over the world play video games, which makes gaming chairs one of the most popular export items. The popularity of gaming chairs is only going to grow as VR and metaverse games become more popular.

    There are many different kinds of gaming chairs, and the prices vary, of course. Different products have different profit margins, but this one has high margins generally.

    Product Review

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  14. Gaming Headsets Gaming earphones are an important part of gaming in general. Gamers want to hear the best sounds and are willing to pay for the best goods.

    You can buy a lot of these items from Alibaba, which can help you make a lot of money. Even if you don’t buy in bulk, you can charge high prices for game headsets if the product you sell is good.

    Jump starts that can be taken with you sell like hot cakes in the winter. If you look closely at the line, you can see that the demand for these even peaked in the summertime over a period of 5 years.

    Product Review

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  15. Portable Air Compressor This car addition is also very popular, mostly because it helps people right away when their tyres go flat and they don’t have time or money to call a tow truck.

    On the top of portable air pumps, you can see the tyre pressure in real time. On the bottom, you can see the tyre pressure you set. If you look at the line on Google Trends, you’ll see that it’s on the rise. Take advantage of this and start selling portable air compressors to make a lot of money in 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  16. Beanies Beanies are a holiday item that sell like hotcakes in the winter.

    You can sell them and make a lot of money because the profit margins are big. Beanies are searched for about 350,000 times a month. That’s enough to show how many people around the world are interested in the product.

    If you order a lot, you can get for less than a dollar per piece. But during the busy season, it goes for as much as $15. So there are huge profit margins!

    Product Review

    How much?

    $0.8 – $3

  17. Oral Irrigators Oral irrigators that are small and can be charged on the go are one of the most popular items in many ecommerce shops.

    They are a great way to clean your teeth at home and get rid of plaque and food stuck between your teeth and under the gum line. So, it’s on our list of the best dropshipping items for 2023. It’s searched for a lot on Google every month, so it’s sure to be a great seller.

    Product Review

    How much?


    Do you know that now is the best time to start a dropshipping store? Find out how!

  18. Vacuum Packing Machine People now eat in ways that are better for them and are more aware of what they eat. This is why hoover packing machines are very popular right now. They stop bacteria and fungus from growing in the air and keep important nutrients from evaporating.

    Google Trends also shows that this product is in high demand, so you can easily make a big profit by selling it to a large number of people.

    Product Review

    How much?


  19. Baby Carrier The hipseat baby carrier has become popular because it is different from standard baby slings and strollers.

    Parents can wear this product for a long time without getting tired or stressed out. It also lets them use their hands like they would if they weren’t holding a baby.

    You can see that the product has still been popular after more than five years. So, it’s one of the best dropshipping products to sell in 2023, and it’s also a good way to make money.

    Product Review

    How much?


  20. Herbal Tea No matter what time of year it is, there will always be tea and coffee lovers looking for their favourite brand.

    So, organic tea will continue to be one of the best dropshipping goods to think about selling in 2023.

    This is shown in the picture below.

    Product Review

    How much?


  21. Massager for the scalp Scalp massager is a massager-comb for showers that has an odd form but is very popular. It not only broke a lot of sales records on Black Friday 2020, but it also won the award for being our most popular dropshipping product.

    The product costs as little as $3 on AliExpress, but you can easily sell it for $10 or more because of how well it works and how much value it gives to users.

    The line below shows that it’s a good product to sell through dropshipping in 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  22. Electric Kettle Even though electric kettles are seasonal, they are never out of style. In fact, it could have customers at any time of the year.

    Electric kettles are one of the most popular things to send. There are a lot of people who sell it online, and you can too. When you buy them in bulk, they usually cost less than $10, and you can easily sell them for $15 to $30.

    Most people buy Xiaomi Air Purifiers in November, December, and January. Almost every year, the number of searches is almost double what it was the year before. You can be sure about selling it in 2023 by looking at the Google Trends picture above. We put this item on our list of the best dropshipping goods for a reason.

    Product Review

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  23. Adjustable pet cat leash made of a nylon rope Adjustable Nylon bands and leashes are always popular pet supplies. It comes in a variety of sizes, and you can choose the colour you want. It’s great for both cats and dogs.

    If you sell it with another item, that will double the number of sales.

    The above Google Trends graph shows that this product sells well at all times of the year. So, add this to your dropshipping product catalogue to make a lot of money all year long.

    Product Review

    How much?


  24. Smart Bassinet This new electric cradle for newborns is foldable, portable, and can be used for many different things. It can also play music in different ranges, which makes it the perfect gift for this holiday season.

    The Google Trends graph below will tell you right away that this hot-selling item should be in your dropshipping catalogue in 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  25. Oil for Hair Growth Essential oils for hair growth have been selling well for a while now. We put it on our list of the best dropshipping items for 2023 because of this. You can look for ginger hair growth oil, ginger hair growth spray serum, and other kinds of hair growth oils on AliExpress.

    The line below from Google Trends shows that people will want to grow their hair more this winter of 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  26. Foundation Cream Cream foundations sell very well in the winter. Women choose these because, unlike similar products, they moisturise the skin and don’t leave dry, rough spots on the face. This makes for a smooth finish to the foundation.

    Cream foundation is in high demand, according to Google Trends, so you should definitely sell this dropshipping product on your store in 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  27. Electronic Headphones As the line below from Google Trends shows, electronic headphones sell the most around the holidays.

    Other than that, they are sold all year and are usually in demand. So, we put Electronic headphones on our list of the best dropshipping items for 2023.

    Product Review

    How much?


  28. Flask or Thermos Users don’t have to boil water every time they want to make tea or coffee because of this product. It takes up less room and will last much longer than your clay mug. This item is in high demand and rarely goes out of stock, so it’s a great addition to your dropshipping goods.

    Product Review

    How much?

    $14.28 – $37.69

  29. Tamagotchi is a type of toy. If you want to start a selling business but don’t know what to sell, why not start with Tamagotchi digital pets that you can carry around?

    They are a great purchase because (a) the holidays are coming up and (b) they are very cheap and the best-selling items on Thousandth Store on AliExpress, with about 2,283 sales.

    Selling Tamagotchi electronic pets that are clear can be a good way to start your dropshipping online business.

    Product Review

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  30. Fixing Tool Kit This tool kit for fixing things is in high demand in the US, the UK, and all over the world. If your dropshipping store sells power tools, this repair tool kit would be a good item to sell.

    The graph below from Google Trend also shows that demand for this product has been pretty stable over the past five years.

    Product Review

    How much?


  31. Drawing Tablet In November and December, there are a lot of people who want to buy drawing tools.

    Huion, Xencelabs, Wacom, iPad, and XP-Pen are some of the most popular drawing tools.

    If you sell this dropshipping goods in 2023, you can take advantage of the high demand spikes and make a lot of money.

    Product Review

    How much?


  32. Water Shower Filter People who use water shower filters can remove chlorine from the water and get a strong water flow that is great for people with sensitive skin.

    You can sell these showers with water filters in the general dropshipping niche because they are always in high demand.

    Product Review

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  33. Alarm clock for kids People love to give gifts to kids at Christmas, and the Google Trends graph below shows that you can sell this item on your dropshipping store without worrying about how well it will do.

    Just look on AliExpress for “cute LED kids alarm clocks,” and you will find a lot of choices to sell on your store.

    Product Review

    How much?


  34. Digital Micrometer With this digital micrometre, it’s easy to measure things’ length, width, and thickness. It has an LED indicator, an On/Off key, a lock nut, a frame, anvil, spindle, sleeve, sleeve numbers, and other features that make it a very useful and must-have product.

    Even Google Trends shows how well-known and useful it is. So, you can sell a digital micrometre on your store as a great selling item.

    Product Review

    How much?


  35. A laser pen for acupuncture The laser pain relief massage has become popular, which is why it is showing up in more and more ecommerce shops.

    The laser acupuncture pen can help with back pain, gout, muscle pain, and even long-term joint pain. It’s a great gadget, and you should definitely think about selling it on your online dropshipping store.

    Product Review

    How much?


  36. Tripods Tripods and cameras go together, which is why tripods will always be useful, just like cameras. The graph below from Google Trends shows that tripods have been popular for almost five years and are still selling like hotcakes.

    Product Review

    How much?


    Now it’s up to you!

    Our work is done here. We wanted to show you how to find the best drop-shipping goods and the ones that are currently popular. Now it’s up to you to try out these popular goods on social media and search engines to find the ones that will make you money.

    So, set up your dropshipping store and start selling goods right away. You can also read our piece about the 15 best things to sell that you can print on demand. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about the piece or want to share more information about the subject.

    Questions People Usually Ask

    Q1. How to find the dropshipping goods that will sell the most in 2023?

    In 2023, there is no one way to find the dropshipping goods that sell the most. Tests are the only way to find a good product. In fact, you won’t be able to find goods that will sell well even on the best dropshipping groups and forums like product mafia and product research lab.

    Q2. Why do different people have different experiences with dropshipping?

    Everyone is trying to sell to a different market with different tastes.

    Dropshipping is a trend that doesn’t last long. So, what was popular one week might not be the same the next.

    On social media, people buy things on the spot. When they see a better product, they change their mind. The reason is that people’s interests can change quickly.

    The best way to find the best things to dropship is to test and split test in different markets with a small budget.

    Q3. How much does it cost to try out a new product for dropshipping?

    Each dropshipping has a different cost. Most of the time, it depends on:

    • Geography
    • Product type
    • Audiance interest

    Some ideas for selling products sell better than others because a lot of people want them. Some examples of these kinds of goods are fashion accessories, items for the home, and others like them. Some goods don’t sell well on social media because most people don’t want them. This is called “lack of demand.” Hosting, mobile apps, industrial machinery, generators, and more are all examples of these kinds of goods.

    So, make sure to try out your ideas for dropshipping products to find the best ones to sell.

Why agencies choose one over the other: Miro vs. Mural

Why agencies choose one over the other: Miro vs Mural

Every day, agencies work hard to organize their work so that it goes more quickly and smoothly.

They look for new ways to use digital tools to plan and organize in ways that help both their clients and their own people. That means there will be easier ways to work with teams and clients and to get ideas and projects done.

Collaboration tools that are smart but easy to use and have a smooth layout are important here.

And this is where the debate between Miro and Mural begins.

Even though there are other tools and apps like Miro and Mural, like FigJam, Whimsical, Lucidchart, Lucidspark, Creatly, and more, these two stand out.

The biggest difference between Miro and MURAL is that they have different numbers of connections. You can use different integrations with each site to improve your workflow. Miro, on the other hand, works well with a lot of other third-party connections.

Which one should you pick?

Well, I’ve used both platforms, so I’ll tell you about my experiences in this blog to help you make a better decision for your business.

I’m going to be honest: it was hard to decide! I hope that my experience will help you make a better choice.

what is Miro?

Miro is a collaborative whiteboard tool that you can use online and in the cloud. With this collaborative whiteboard platform, your team can work well and quickly even if everyone is in the same place or in different places.

Miro’s features make it easier for people from different departments to work together, from coming up with ideas to planning and managing agile processes, which are more important tasks. I’ll go into detail about these features so you can see how Miro can help you with your business processes, such as client management, client reporting, onboarding clients, and more.

As a business, you can also get your design and development teams to work together and give them more power in real time.

I also thought that the Miro Academy was a great tool for companies. You can also sign up for weekly workshops to learn how to make things and work together in Miro. You can also think about the Miro Enterprise plan if you want a personalized training program.

Miro is used by companies like Dell, Cisco, General Electric, and PepsiCo. It also has a partnership with Google Workspace so that it can be used with Google Meet and Google Calendar. It is at number 36 on the Forbes Cloud 100 List for 2021.

What does Mural mean?

The teams in your business will be able to work together in a digital workspace and on a whiteboard thanks to Mural. It helps people work together visually to come up with new ideas. While working on the Mural app, the teams can share ideas, come up with new ones, solve problems, and do other things.

When it comes to video calls, Mural goes above and beyond. Features like a timer and the ability to vote make remote talks more interesting and useful. There is a feature called “private mode” that gives you full power over how private the board is. You can pick which people of your team you want to share it with.

The visual thinking canvas in Mural is also made to get people involved. Team members can easily work together by using digital sticky notes, icons, shapes, connections, comments, and more.

As with Miro, IBM and Atlassian, both Fortune 500 and 100 companies, use Mural, and it also works with CAPCO and GitHub.

Miro works with Google, but Mural works with Microsoft, Jira, Microsoft Teams, and ZOOM.

Like I said before, choosing between the two systems is hard. But it’s not impossible at all!

A detailed look at both the Miro and Mural visual collaboration platforms

In this part, I’ll talk about both platforms’ features, how they can be used, how much they cost, and more, so you can choose and use the best one across your agency.

In a Nutshell!

Miro’s prices seem more flexible to me because you can choose to pay either monthly or yearly.

Miro comes with more than 200 templates already made, lets you use designs made by other users, and lets you make your own. Mural also has more than 300 templates, but they are not as sleek or well-designed as those in Miro, and there are fewer groups to choose from.

Miro’s canvas is endless, while Mural’s is big but not infinite.

Miro lets you make a box (called a “project”) that holds all the boards that are related to that project. But when it comes to organizing folders, Mural is a step ahead of Miro because it uses a “folder within a folder” style.

After I tried Miro, it took me a while to get used to how Mural worked. Miro also has a better display.

Miro has its own marketplace for apps and integrations, while Mural’s website says it only has 20+ integrations that users can use to extend its functions.

A Tour of the Game Miro

Here are the results of my own thorough analysis of Miro, in which I tried out all of the platform’s features.

  1. How to use Miro
  2. It was very easy to sign up for Miro. I signed up with my Google account and used one of the more than 200 themes to make my first board.

    The above dashboard shows that the style is clear and easy to understand. Your shared boards with your team are easy to find. You can quickly move between the different boards to check for updates and keep track of how your team is doing.

    You can also sort boards by who owns them and how recently they were started or changed.

    Miro boards are easy to put into groups, which the app calls “projects.” With the right boards, you can start a new project. It’s not hard at all. Just click the “Add Projects” button on the dashboard, give the project a name, add team members, and then add boards.

    You can also pick a new design right away from the dashboard and make a new board for your team based on the needs of your project.

    I also tried out Miro’s mobile app, which worked very well. Miro is easy to use on your phone or tablet. The app is easy to sign up for and use, and it’s free to download.

    When you make a board on the Miro app, pop-ups will show you how to do things. In the picture below, you can see an example of a pop-up. When I made my first board on Miro, they were a big help.

    Why Shared Hosting is a Digital Agency’s Nightmare?

  3. What Miro Has
  4. Now that we’ve talked about Miro’s interface, let’s talk about some of its most important features.

    1. The Library of Templates for Miro
    2. Miro has a library of more than 200 pre-made themes, and you can also use templates that other people in the community have made. You could also make your own smart structures and templates.

      From the categories in the drop-down list in the screenshot below, you can get an idea of the many jobs and projects you can work on together as an agency using Miro.

      As a person who makes content, I found Miro’s template for coming up with ideas and thinking to be very helpful.

    3. Miro’s Private Frames and Infinite Canvas
    4. Miro’s canvas is endless, which means that you can make a board as big as you want.

      Now, if you’re thinking how you’d keep track of everything going on on the board, there’s a cool navigation feature.

      By making the left pane of the board bigger, you can see the area for frames.

      You can now zoom in on your board and land on the ‘frames’ or places you want to focus on. For example, in the screenshot above, I chose the “Work Life Impact Play” template from the “agile workflows templates” group because I wanted to focus on a certain “frame” or part of the template.

      In the paid plans, you can also make a frame secret so that your team members can only see it when you tell them to.

      Figma vs. Sketch: Which Is the Best Tool for Web Design Agencies to Use Together?

    5. Widgets made by Miro
    6. You can use the tools in Miro to look at the different parts of your agency’s projects in more depth.

      How? You can use connectors, smart shapes, and free-form pens. You can also draw arrows and make smart images.

      Here’s what I mean. I made a new board to plan out how to bring new clients into the business. I’ve used different sticky notes, connections, pens, highlighters, and a star shape from the smart shapes widget. These tools will help you make plans or processes that are complete, well-organized, and easy for everyone on your team to follow. You can also pay a lot of attention to detail with these tools. On an infinitely large canvas, you can put as many sticky notes and lines as you want to show the steps of the processes you run in your agency.

      Working at home for more than six years has taught me three things.

    7. Miro’s Work with Mouse-Over
    8. The mouse-over teamwork was another thing I liked about Miro. This lets everyone on the team work together on one board and move around it as their own person. The name of each person will be on their mouse, so it is easy to see what everyone is doing.

      Keeping everyone on the same page is important for any business, but it’s especially important if you and your team work remotely and want to improve how well you all work together.

      Features of the Kloudbean Platform Make Remote Collaboration Easier

    9. The Presentation Mode in Miro
    10. Before I talk about Miro’s presentation mode, let me talk about one more idea that can help you give great presentations to your clients or business partners.

      Earlier in this blog, I talked about Miro’s frames, which you can also use as slides when showing your project plan or scope to your agency team members or proposals to customers.

      In Miro’s display mode, you can use the frames to arrange how your boards look. To see all the frames on the board, move your mouse over the toolbar in the lower left corner and click the frames button.

      In presentation mode, you can drag and drop pictures in this area to change their order. By clicking on the three dots next to a frame’s name, you can also change its name or make a new one right next to it.

      I tried to do this first on my Android phone and then on my tablet (yes, it works with Apple too), but the desktop was the only tool where I could change the order of the frames.

      Also, keep in mind that when you change the order of frames in the panel, it changes for everyone on your team on the board.

      Even if the frames are in their original order, that doesn’t mean they are in the order they were made and put on the board.

      Now we’ll talk about the show mode.

      I found it easy and quick to switch to display mode. I just clicked on the presentation button in the toolbar’s lower left corner. After that, I could look at my frames just like slides in a multimedia show.

      In presenter mode, I found that the main toolbar was locked and that the board could only be viewed. But I could still move my mouse around the board and use it to point.

      With the arrow buttons in the toolbar, it was easy to move between slides. By hitting the present button on the left side of the arrow keys, I could see my presentation slides in full screen. I like to press the Esc key on my computer to leave presentation mode, but you can also click the presentation icon on the toolbar.

    11. Screensharing on Miro
    12. The screensharing feature of Miro can only be used on desktop computers and tablets. This function was very helpful to me because it lets your team work together in real time.

      After I turned on the screen share, I could also use the voice chat and video chat features at the bottom of my screen to talk to my team members.

      So, if your agency team is working on a project like web design, you can use Miro’s screen sharing tool to plan and come up with ideas together. Your team members can join your stream and see exactly what you see, hear what you say, and see where your cursor is. Unless they leave the stream, they won’t be able to use any tools or do anything on the board during the screen sharing event.

      30 or more of the best web design firms from all over the world

    13. Video and Content That Is Built In
    14. When working on a project with my team, I was able to keep everything in one place because I could add information to the boards.

      I could put all of this visual material on one board by importing files, media, and icons. I was surprised that I could also add spreadsheets, images, papers, presentations, web pages, and links with previews (both external and internal links). This was easy to do with the iFrame code. There was also a way to put boards that could be changed on websites.

      It was very easy to put information on the board. All I had to do was drag and drop things from my PC onto my Miro board. Using the left side, as I’ve tried to show below, is another way to post something on the board.

      You can also use a URL to add information. You can also add sticky notes from spreadsheets (Windows: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V; Mac: Cmd+C, Cmd+V).

    15. What Miro Says
    16. This function helped me a lot when I had to work with my team and send messages to them. I think it has a lot to offer agency teams that have trouble getting on the same page with different processes and projects and keeping on the same page.

      I clicked on the chat icon on the collaborative toolbar in the top right corner. I could then start talking to the other people on my team. So far, the experience has been great because it has helped a lot to set up good contact and work together on one board in real time.

      I could also write notes and name people on the board, which helped a lot with getting the team to talk to each other better. Here’s how a Miro board message that mentions a user will look. You can answer the message and also mark it as solved.

      Miro’s Marketplace: Apps and Integrations

      In Miro’s marketplace, there are a lot of apps and integrations that will help your agency’s processes get better and go to the next level.

      I used the toolbar on the left side of my screen to add apps. I went to the marketplace, clicked on the three dots, and then chose “add more apps.” Here’s how the whole thing went down.

      Miro also lets developers make custom integrations that add to the board’s capabilities. First, you will need to make an account on the Miro Developer Platform. Then, you can easily make your own collaboration solutions by using the power of REST APIs, web plugins, and embed.

      In terms of integrations, Miro can be linked to more than 4000 apps. I found out that you can import your tasks from Asana Cards, Jira Cards, Rally Cards, and Azure Cards to your Miro board to add to your workflow.

      Miro also works well with apps like Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox, Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch, which makes it easy to upload files from file storage services.

      You can also copy and paste images and icons from IconFinder and Unsplash because it works with these services.

      The apps Jira, Zoom, Microsoft Teams Meetings, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Webex, Trello, and Airtable can be embedded, shared, and used to work together on the boards. You can also get notifications from Miro on Slack and Microsoft Teams. You can also use Zapier to connect Miro to other apps.

      You can use the Miro for Google Calendar Chrome extension to make sure that people who are invited to your workshop can access the Miro board. When you make a meeting on the Google Calendar, it’s easy to add your board to it. And that’s it! The invitation will be sent to everyone on your Miro team.

      Now that I’ve talked about the main features of Miro that I personally looked into and tried out for agencies, I’ll talk about how easy it is to use. Also, all of the main functions are easy to understand. I will look at each one of them one by one in the ‘facilitation’ part below.

      How to Grow Your Digital Agency by a Lot

  5. Facilitation by Miro
  6. When it comes to how Miro’s platform makes things easier, I found the following tools to be very helpful and useful.

    1. Miro’s Watch
    2. The Miro Timer can be seen in the picture below. This tool can help you keep track of and manage time in real time while running a whiteboard session. You can keep track of your agency’s tasks and make sure they are finished on time.

      To use this function, you will need to pay for a paid plan. For this piece, I used Miro’s free plan to try out as many things as I could.

    3. How Miro Voted
    4. The voting tool in Miro can help with things like setting overall goals for the next quarter for your business. Sticky notes can be used by your team to add new, innovative ideas for the growth of your business. You can then choose the best ideas based on how many votes they got.

      You can also use this tool to narrow down ideas and plans for a marketing campaign for a client, or to narrow down ideas for a web development or design project.

      This is what your screen will look like when you start a vote session. You need to set up the vote session first.

      As soon as you start the vote session, your team members will get a pop-up asking if they want to join or skip the session. Here’s a picture to help you remember.

      Your team members can join the voting session and vote for the plan or idea they think will help your business grow the most. To keep their vote secret, they can vote for an idea without giving their name.

      Once everyone on your team has decided and the voting session is over, you’ll be able to look at a report like the one in the screenshot below to see what happened. This result will be saved, and you can look at it again even if you’ve used the same board for more than one vote.

    5. The Visual Notes of Miro
    6. All of your boards will have this advanced text tool. This editor makes it easy to work with writing and work with other people. If you want to make these notes bigger, you can use the full-screen button.

      When I first clicked on the visual notes icon, it gave me some ready-made templates to use, such as a to-do list, meeting plan, and others.

      Then I hit on the Meeting Agenda template, and it showed up in the notes right away. Note that you can only add these templates if the notes part is empty.

      Teams in an agency can work on notes together and see in real time who is doing what. This also makes it very easy to work together.

    7. Miro’s Ways of Paying Attention
    8. Attention management in Miro is a set of powerful tools that help agencies run workshops and meetings more smoothly. It makes it easy for meeting planners and workshop leaders to help their team and make sure everyone is paying attention and following along.

      By looking at the picture above, you can see how Miro’s attention management lets you keep track of what your team members are doing. You can see what your team members are working on by looking at the board.

      To follow a team member, all you have to do is go to the cursor tracking panel in the top right area and click on their avatar. You can stop following them by clicking anywhere on the board, moving the mouse, or zooming in or out.

      There is also a feature called “Bring everyone to me.” With this, you can get the attention of your team members to a certain part of the board for a talk, workshop, or meeting. This turns on auto-following, so everyone sees the content you want them to see until they move their cursors, zoom in, or click the board.

      Don’t mistake this with the “Bring to me” feature, which is helpful when a team member gets lost on the board and you want to direct them back to the area in focus. In short, it lets you bring team members to the center area one at a time instead of all at once. Take a look at the picture below to see what I mean.

      I want you to pay attention to one thing. Follow, Bring to me, and Bring everyone to me are features that are available to all team members who were called to the board by email or who have access to the board as part of a Miro team or project. Visitors who can change can only follow other people who are working on the project. The same is true for registered users, but people who haven’t signed up can’t use these tools for managing attention.

      You can also make a link to a specific object on the board and share it with your team members to get their attention on that object (frames, images, shapes, and more). Here’s an example of an image that shows how this works.

      These ways to keep your attention can help you have strong conversations about an agency project or a growth plan and strategy. With these benefits, working together will be quick and easy.

  7. How Miro Charges
  8. Miro has a free plan that lets you add as many team members as you want and gives you 3 boards that you can change, access to pre-made templates, core connections, and basic attention management.

    You have to sign up for one of the three paid plans to use the other functions. You can choose to pay either once a month or once a year. The choice to pay once a year is more practical. Here are the plans that cost money from Miro:

    • Team: $10 per month per member, or $8 per month per member if paid for the whole year (best for 2 or more people).
    • Business: $20 a month per member, or $16 a month per person if paid for the whole year (best for 5 or more members).
    • Enterprise: Prices are made to fit the needs of your business (best for 50+ members).

    Consultant Plan: $12 per person per month if you pay for the whole year. This is for when you are working with clients on Miro.

    If you go to Miro’s price page and click on “Compare all features,” you can do that. You can even scroll down to see a list of each plan’s benefits.

A Tour of the Mural

I have now talked about everything important about Miro. Now, I’d like to walk you through Mural in just as much depth. Let’s start by seeing how Mural is different from Miro.

  1. The Mural’s Connection
  2. After logging in to Miro, I made a board so I could start working. Things are a little different in Mural. Instead of using boards, you make paintings and work on them together.

    Look at the picture of the dashboard I took while I was working on Mural. When you compare the user experience to Miro, you will see a clear difference. I’m not going to say which one is better for your business right now, but there are some clear ways in which they are different.

    Instead of using projects to organize your board, Mural has rooms where you can see all your paintings at once. From the left side of the screen, you can get to the rooms. Rooms are like files that can be used to keep your boards in order.

    You can also make folders inside the rooms and share them with certain team members from the room. Depending on how you set up the room, everyone in the room may or may not be able to see that area. So, this is like putting a folder inside another folder.

    I made one room to test Mural, and this is what a room will look like when you go into it.

    If you’re using the free plan like I am, you’ll see this window when you start making your first painting.

    From here on out, you’ll be asked to choose from different templates until you find one that fits the job at hand.

    I used the “Wall of work” template from the agile category to see how it can help agencies show clearly how a project is progressing and what stage it is in. In my painting, it looked like this.

    As you can see, there is a toolbar on the left, an outline on the right to help you and your team focus on one area at a time, and a guidance toolbar right at the top. Every Monday and Tuesday, Mural holds live meetings for new users to show them how it works.

    When it comes to the interface of Mural’s mobile app, I was a little disappointed to see that it only has a “view only” choice. Here is how the app looks when you open it.

  3. Features of the mural
  4. After I’ve shown you how to use Mural’s interface, I’ll talk about its benefits.

    1. Templates for Murals
    2. Mural has more than 300 templates that you can use to start your next meeting with other people. As you can see in the screenshot above, it has nine main groups from which you can choose the best template.

      One thing you can’t do with Mural that you can with Miro is make your own themes and frameworks.

    3. The Canvas and Layout Tools of Mural
    4. From the toolbar on the left, you can choose from a range of design and layout tools to help you see your ideas, plans, processes, and strategies. These include sticky notes and text, shapes and connectors, icons, drawings, images and GIFs, and frames.

      With the sticky notes, it’s easy to write down ideas, thoughts, and comments for the other people on your business team. With shapes and connections, you can make diagrams that are easy to understand and map out your complicated agency workflows.

      With Mural’s large collection of icons, you can tell stories with pictures. You can also use them to draw attention to important sticky notes or parts of your paintings before you start the agency process and talk about the project with your team.

      The frameworks in Mural are a great way to visually organize material. You can zoom in and out of an area, choose a free-form or grid plan, and start working on your mural for the project with your agency team.

      You can also sketch and draw on your murals by hand, and you can drag and drop pictures and GIFs on them to make your collaboration sessions better.

      The surface of a mural is big. It took me a while to figure out how to zoom and scroll. But it doesn’t look as big as Miro. At some point, you need to leave space on the paintings so that you can add more things. One of their help center blogs also confirmed what I thought, and they don’t say anywhere that they have an endless canvas.

      You can change your zoom and pan settings in the navigation settings, which you can get to from the lower right corner of your mural. This will make everything small so that you can save room on your mural. There is also a small map that you can use to zoom in on the part of the wall you want to paint.

    5. Mural’s Work Together
    6. Before you can work with your team, you have to ask them to the Mural room you’ve made. This can be done by sending them the link directly or by sending it to them in an email.

      These links can be changed, so you can send a link to a team member that only lets them see a certain part of your painting if you want to. It is also a great way to keep your attention.

      Also, when you use the “summon” tool to get the attention of your team members to a certain part of your mural, you will be able to see their names next to their cursors as they work together in real time.

    7. Mural’s Mode of Presentation
    8. Do you remember that when I showed you how to use Miro, we used frames as slides to arrange material and make presentations? On the right side of Mural, there is an outline piece instead of frames.

      You can arrange the slides by dragging and dropping them in the outline section, just like you did with frames in Miro. You can also add things to your mural’s outline if you think something is missing from the one that comes with your template. Here’s how long it will take.

      When you’re done moving things around, you can choose which part of your painting you want to hide.

      Then, you can present by clicking on the button in the top right corner that says “presentation mode.”

      In presentation mode, your team members will be able to see what you see as you work on your sketches. You can use the arrow keys in the bottom center to move through the presentation slides, and you can leave the show by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard.

    9. Quick Talk, Text Chat, Video Chat, and Commenting on Mural
    10. The Quick Talk feature in Mural is driven by and lets you call your team members right from the app. It’s useful in a lot of ways, especially if you want to have a quick brainstorming session with your team or clients at your business. To start your call, just click on the call button to the left of the pictures of your team members and then click start.

      Once you start your call, a microphone icon will appear to the right of the call icon. During the call, you can use that to stop and unmute the call.

      When it comes to video chat, I found out that painting uses Zoom to let you see the painting canvas and hear and see other team members at the same time. It doesn’t let you make video calls inside the app or share your screen like Miro does.

      When you start a Zoom video call, you can open your mural and let your team members see it on their screens through Zoom. This way, you’ll be able to see your painting and those of the other people on your team. This part of the Mural tour will make more sense if you look at the image above. You can invite them to work with you on the same painting by sending them the painting invite link. You can use the “summon” tool to get their attention on the part of the mural you’re looking at.

      Text talks can be started by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of your mural. You can then start talking about a certain topic while working on the same board. For example, while your agency team is working on a web design project, they may have different ideas about a certain part of the design step. Texting in real time can help get rid of these problems more quickly.

      You can also add comments and tag people on your team on your painting. This will help you remember what you talked about when you met or talked about a certain project and who you gave a job to.

      In the top right part of the mural, there is a comment icon. When you click on that, you can start leaving comments. When you’re done with a review, mark it as “resolved.” You can do this by clicking on a review and checking the box next to the person’s name.

    11. Link to the mural and media embeds
    12. When I was looking into Mural, I found that it was easy to add links and movies. Videos could also be played right on the painting.

      This makes it easy for agency teams to add a source that backs up their idea or planned initiative when they are doing internal brainstorming or making a plan for a client’s project.

      You can also put murals on websites that people who don’t use Mural can still look at and move around in. You could put this in your agency’s work resume if you want to be open with your clients about how you bring on new clients, plan projects, or run your business. Miro, on the other hand, goes one step further by letting you add editable boards to websites.

    13. The Apps and Integrations of Mural
    14. Miro has a store, but Mural does not. It does, however, have 20 or more connections, according to its website, which give its users more ways to use it.

      Mural works well with Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Microsoft Documents, Airtable, Asana, Webex, Zapier, Zoom, and more, which is helpful for agencies. With these integrations, they’ll get most of what they need to run their agency processes easily.

  5. Helping the Mural
  6. Mural has some features that can help your agency team handle workflows better, just like Miro.

    1. Timer for Mural
    2. Using the timer in painting, you can track the time and the progress of your team by timing the activities you run in your painting. Setting the timer was easy, so I won’t go into depth here. You can choose what sound the alarm makes or turn it off.

    3. The Voting Session for Mural
    4. Like Miro, you can hold a voting session and ask everyone on your team to vote for the plan they like best.

      You can start the voting session by clicking on the voting session icon in the top left area of your screen. Set the number of votes each team member is allowed to have. You can choose which parts or items of your mural people can vote on.

      Once that is done, you can start choosing. Members of your team can vote by clicking once on the object(s) they want. Also, they can see how many votes they still have. If they change their minds, they can also unselect a vote by holding the shift key and clicking on the vote.

      When you’re done voting, you can go to the page with the vote results. Everyone will be able to see the results of the vote. All of the votes are kept secret.

    5. The Private Mode of Mural
    6. To switch to private mode, click the button in the top left corner of the screen. This can help team members get over their nerves, for example, during planning sessions.

      The private mode lets each person work on Mural on their own, so there are no distractions and groupthink doesn’t happen. When you are working in private mode, no one can see what you are doing. When the private mode is over, people will be able to see the material. But you can still keep it secret if you want to. You can turn off private mode by clicking the button in the top right corner of your screen.

      Your team members will also be able to see other team members working on the painting, but their work will be grayed out and have a Private Mode icon next to it. Miro does not have the private mode feature.

    7. Confetti/Celebration Part of the Mural
    8. The confetti/celebration function of Mural is another way to make things easier that Miro doesn’t have. In your meetings with your business team, talk about the good things that happened and what you learned from them.

      You can click on your image and then click on celebrate from the avatar menu at the bottom.

      There are also other reactions you can give, but Miro also has the reaction option. You can respond with a heart or a thumbs up when your business team comes up with great ideas or makes progress.

    9. Attention Management by Mural
    10. On Mural, you can either follow the people on your team or take the lead and make them follow you. Here’s how you can show them your point of view in a painting. This is an important tool that lets everyone on your team work together on one part of a project while focusing on the same view. On the other hand, everyone can look at the painting in their own way.

      Click on a team member’s picture to start following them. If someone has asked you to follow them, click the “follow me” notice. To get people to follow you, click on your image and choose “follow me.” If you don’t want to follow a team member anymore, you can zoom or pan with your mouse or trackpad, which will instantly stop you from following them.

      There is another way to keep everyone’s attention, which lets you call everyone on your team at once to one part of the painting. This will help you make sure that your agency meetings are more useful, efficient, and interesting. How? Because your team will follow along when you give a presentation and tell them what to do.

      To get your friends together, click on your avatar at the bottom of your mural canvas and choose “Summon Everyone.” You can also choose “Take Control” to make sure that your team members don’t leave the summoning or leave the group, or you can change content during this time.

  7. How Much Mural Costs
  8. With the free plan for Mural, you can work on up to 5 paintings. You can also use all of the visual teamwork and facilitation tools. You can also tell the other people on your team about your paintings so they can see them. But if your agency wants more features, you will have to pay for a plan.

    Mural only lets you bill once a year. It has three paid plans, and here’s what you need to know about them:

    • Team+: costs $9.99 a month per user, billed once a year.
    • Business: $17.99 per person per month, charged once a year.
    • Enterprise: Prices based on what your business need.

    Differences between Miro and Mural

    My walkthroughs of both Miro and Mural are now over. You may have noticed that the two have a lot in common, but there are also some important differences. So, let’s look at how Miro is different from Mural.

    • Miro’s prices seem more flexible to me because you can choose to pay either monthly or yearly. The only way to pay for Mural is on an annual basis, which may be too much for groups just trying it out. It’s a long-term commitment, and someone who is just starting out might not be ready for that. The price of Miro is also less than that of Mural.
    • We’ll talk about styles next. Miro comes with more than 200 templates already made, lets you use designs made by other users, and lets you make your own. Mural also has more than 300 templates, but they are not as sleek or well-designed as those in Miro, and there are fewer groups to choose from.
    • Mural saves the day when it comes to letting people on a team work quietly on the board. Miro does not yet have a secret mode.
    • I like how engaging, smooth, and easy to use Miro’s user interface is. You can also use the app to work on a board while you’re on the go. Mural’s mobile app, on the other hand, only has the choice to “view only.” After using Miro, it took me a while to get used to how Mural worked. In Miro, it was easy to figure out how to use the interface. Miro also has a better display.
    • Miro’s canvas is endless, while Mural’s is big but not infinite. In order to fit more information in the second, you have to save space. I also thought that Miro’s frames were better than Mural’s outline. But if I’m talking about how folders are organized, Mural is a step ahead of Miro because it has the option to make a folder inside a room that already has murals that fit that room. Miro lets you make a box (called a “project”) that holds all the boards that are related to that project.
    • Miro has an app market and lets your agency developers make their own apps that can be used to make your agency boards more useful. Mural doesn’t have a market, and it doesn’t let you use apps made by your developers. Also, Mural’s website says that it only works with 20+ apps, while Miro can be linked to 4000+ apps.
    • Miro has live chat built into the app, but Mural does not. Mural doesn’t have a way to share your screen, but Miro does, which makes it easier to work together.
    • The visual notes tool is available on Miro but not on Mural. Mural has a tool for confetti and parties that Miro doesn’t have.
    • You can put editable Miro boards on websites with Miro, but you can only put paintings that can only be seen on websites with Mural.


This is a summary of the differences between the two systems that I found to be important based on my experience with both. Let me know if I forgot anything you think is important for agencies to know. Leave a comment below to tell me which one you would choose and why. I liked Miro because of how easy it was to use and how nice it looked. I think it’s a great choice for companies. So, what do you think?

Questions People Usually Ask

Q1. Does Miro beat Mural?

Mural is not as good as Miro. It has an endless canvas, while Mural has a large canvas that isn’t infinite. Miro has more than 200 templates already made, and developers and artists can also make their own. Mural has more than 300 themes, but they don’t look as nice. The dashboard and layout of Miro are easier to use, and the prices are more flexible as well.

Q2. Is Miro no cost?

Miro has a free plan that lets you add as many team members as you want and gives you 3 boards that you can change, access to pre-made templates, core connections, and basic attention management.

You have to sign up for one of the three paid plans to use the other functions.

Q3. Is Mural no cost?

With the free plan for Mural, you can work on up to 5 paintings. You can also use all of the visual teamwork and facilitation tools. You can also tell the other people on your team about your paintings so they can see them. But if your agency wants more features, you will have to pay for a plan.

Q4. How are Miro and Mural most different from each other?

The biggest difference between Miro and Mural is that Miro’s prices are more flexible, the pre-made templates look better and have more categories, the canvas is infinite, and Miro has an app marketplace where developers can sell their own apps to make the boards more useful. Miro has better ways to work together than Mural, like an in-app video chat tool and the ability to share your screen.

Q5. Does Mural, like Muro, have a plan?

With Miro, you can use Frames instead of Outlines.

In the frames area, you can arrange content by dragging and dropping slides above or below each other, just like you can with Outlines in Mural.

How to Fix the ‘413 Request Entity Too Large’ Error in WordPress (7 Easiest Ways)

How to Fix the ‘413 Request Entity Too Large’ Error in WordPress (7 Easiest Ways)

Some websites have annoying mistakes that make it hard for people to use them. When it comes to your site, things are very different if looking at other sites makes you mad. There are many kinds of website mistakes, some of which are common and some of which are specific to WordPress. One of these is 413.

Error 413 is one of the HTTP 4xx status codes, which tell you about problems with the request that the client made. This post will explain what the “413 Request Entity Too Large” error means and how to fix it in WordPress.

HTTP Error 413 means that the server can’t handle the request because it involves a file, a piece of data, or a group of files that are too big for the server to handle.

Most of the time, the word “413 Request Entity Too Large” shows up in the browser window. This can happen if you try to send files that are too big through your browser, going over the limits set by the webmaster for security or other reasons.

Why do I get the error message “413 Request Entity Too Large”?

Error 413: Request Entity Too Large happens when you try to upload a file that is bigger than what your web server will let you upload. When a user tries to post a file that is too big, the web server sends back an error message saying “413 Request Entity Too Large.”

Depending on the web server and the client, the message shown to the user may be different. Here are some of the most common messages that happen when this mistake happens:

  • Mistake 413
  • Error 413 in HTTP
  • HTTP Status: 413
  • Too Big of a Request Entity
  • 413. This is wrong.

How to fix the WordPress error “413 Request Entity Too Large”

Error 413 generally happens when you try to upload a big file to your web server and your hosting company has a limit on file size.

When operating WordPress, one of the most common problems is getting the webserver to let files be uploaded through the Media Library. But if your Nginx-powered website isn’t set up to allow big files to be uploaded, the upload process will usually fail.

I’ll show you some of the easiest ways to fix the 413 Request Entity Too Large problem and increase the size of files you can upload in WordPress.

  1. Change the rights to a file
  2. Upload the file by hand through FTP.
  3. Size up the files you can upload
  4. Change the file called functions.php
  5. Change the.htaccess file
  6. Change the nginx.conf file.
  7. Talk to your hosting company.
  1. Change a file’s permissionsYou might be getting this error because you don’t have enough access to a file or the right to share it. So, it would be great to check the WordPress file/folder rights, set the recommended permission, and then try to upload the file to your site.You can use an FTP client like FileZilla to set the permissions, and if your hosting company has a way to reset file permissions, you can fix it there.
  2. Upload the file by hand through FTPIf you want to upload a big file, FTP is a good option. However, if you use FileZilla to upload a file, it will take longer.Here, you’ll need to log in to your web server and drag and drop the file to post it. So, check first with your hosting company to see if they offer server credentials or SFTP access to your web server.

    Now, you need the FileZilla FTP Client to view your web files, so download it if you don’t have one. Then, open FileZilla and fill in the Host, Username, Password, and Port boxes as needed. In the image below, you can see that I put in my server’s IP address, Username, Password, and the port number 22.

    Next, drag the file you want to put on your website from your local PC (on the left) into the folder on your web server. In my case, the path to the website folder is /applications/dbname/public_html/wp-content/uploads. If you want to add a plugin, go to /applications/dbname/public_html/wp-content/plugins, which is the path to the plugins folder.

  3. Make files bigger to uploadMany good WordPress hosting services have a tool called “file size settings” that lets users change the maximum upload size, maximum execution time, maximum post size, and other things.Now, let’s look at how to increase the size of the files you can upload from the hosting website. You can change your file upload settings on Kloud Bean through the programme and server settings. From the Application Management panel, I need to remove the comment “;” from three numbers and increase the maximum upload and post size to 256M and the execution time to 300.
    php_admin_value[post_max_size] = 256M
    php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] = 256M
    php_admin_value[max_execution_time] = 300

    To see if the file size has changed, make an info.php file on your PC and upload it to your website folder using FileZilla. Now, open a file editor like Notebook, copy and paste the code below, and save the file as info.php.


    Now, put it in the public_html folder of your site.

    The next step is to open your computer and type “” into the address bar. For me, the URL is Look for the updated PHP admin values; if the values have changed, the file size has been raised. After that, try to upload your file and see if the problem is still there or if it has been fixed.

    If your web host doesn’t have a way to change the size of files you can share, move on to the next method.

  4. Change the file functions.phpYou can change the functions.php file of your theme to increase the size of files that can be uploaded. But first, you’ll need to make a backup of your whole WordPress site so you can get your info back if something goes wrong. If something goes wrong, you can use backups to get your web files back.To get to your site’s files, you need an FTP Client like FileZilla. So, use FileZilla to connect to your server and then go to the folder for your current theme. The theme files are in the wp-content folder. In my case, the source path is “/applications/enxybqgzgy/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen”. The next step is to find functions.php and click View/Edit.

    Next, copy and paste the code below into your file and save it. This will tell you how many Megabytes is the most you can send. Change the numbers to suit your needs.

    @ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '256M' );
    @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '256M');
    @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );


    After that, open “” in your browser and check to see if the numbers have been changed. If they have, try uploading your file again.

    If this method doesn’t work, try the next one.

  5. Make changes to your.htaccess fileIf your website is located on LAMP Stack and uses Apache web server and PHP, you can change the maximum file size that can be uploaded by editing the.htaccess file.Again, you need to use an FTP tool like FileZilla to get to your.htaccess file and then go to the public_html folder. If you don’t see the.htaccess file when you look for it, it’s usually hidden. So, go to FileZilla’s settings, click on Server, and then click on Force Showing Hidden Files.

    Now Use a code editor or Notepad to open the.htaccess file and add the following lines.

    php_value post_max_size 256M
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value max_execution_time 300


    Choose an appropriate number and size for your site and file. Next, open “” in your browser to check the new numbers, just like we did in the last step.

  6. Change the file nginx.confThe above troubleshooting method is for Apache web server. If your website is running on LEMP (NGINX as a web server and PHP), you need to change nginx.conf, which is in /etc/nginx/, and add the following line of code to the file.
    http {
    client_max_body_size 100M;


  7. Get in touch with your hosting companyIf you’ve tried all of these things and are still having trouble, you should contact your server support and ask them to fix the problem as soon as possible. Several hosting providers give chat and ticket support around the clock to help their clients.


The size of the client request is tied to Error 413 Request Entity Too Large. This piece told you that there are several ways to fix this error. Most of the time, you can either lower the size of the file or change the web server settings to let you upload a bigger file. If you know of any other ways to fix the HTTP 413 Error, please share them in the comments part below.

Questions People Usually Ask

Q. How do I fix Error 413 Request Entity Too Large?

A. Increasing the highest size of a media file that can be uploaded is the most common way to fix an HTTP 413 error. Resetting file permissions, uploading files with an FTP programme, and changing your files (fuctions.php/.htaccess/nginx.config) are some other ways.

Q. “HTTP Error 413” means what?

A. The user is getting this error because he is trying to send a file that is too big. When a webmaster gets this report, he can ask the user to make the file smaller and try again to share it.

E-commerce Optimization Guide: Everything You Need to Know

E-commerce Optimization Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Do you think your online store is making as much money as it should? In the world of ecommerce, there is no such thing as ideal, but you can try to get as close to it as possible.

Ecommerce optimization is all about making small changes here and there to make your store run better and get more sales. But how do you know what changes you should make?

Remember that if you change the wrong things, they won’t work. They won’t help your store’s bottom line, and they might even hurt it.

We made this comprehensive ecommerce optimization guide to help you figure out what changes to make and how they might affect the conversion rate of your online store.

This guide has everything you need to know to set up your ecommerce store correctly and make it as successful as possible.

How to figure out your rate of conversion

Before you work on optimizing your ecommerce site, you should make sure the basics are in order. You might be surprised by how little store owners know about how to make their stores work best.

Conversion rate optimization is a key part of making your store work better. But before you do that, you should know what the conversion rate is and, more importantly, figure out what it is for your store right now.

A conversion can mean a lot of different things, but most of the time, it means a sale. Statista says that the average rate of conversion from PC is about 2.1%.

The conversion rate is just the amount of people who visit your site and buy something compared to the number of people who visit your site.

So, a big part of this ecommerce optimization help will be about how you can increase the number of people who buy from you. This means to get more people to act and buy from you.

10 tips for optimizing your online store to get more sales

Ecommerce optimization is usually used to describe a specific plan you can use to increase the number of people who buy something from your website. From the style to the navigation to the design, the goal should be to make it as easy as possible for people to buy from your website.

  1. Change and improve your product pages and landing pages oftenTrends in designing websites for e-commerce continue to change very quickly. If you don’t regularly change your landing pages and product pages, you’ll see a big drop in traffic.

    Your landing pages are a key part of ecommerce site optimization and are important for making a good first impression. These are the pages where people will land, so it’s important to make sure they’re optimized well.

    If you haven’t optimized your product pages and exit pages well, your bounce rate will be through the roof. You can improve your product and landing pages in a number of ways:

    • Offer special deals. You can add special deals to attract more customers and get them excited.
    • Select your best-selling items. Another great idea is to put together a list of your best-selling items on your website so that customers can see them right away.
    • Use reviews of products. Having reviews on your site is a great way to increase the number of people who buy from you. People value the opinions of other people more than brands. If they see that other people who are like them bought and liked your goods, they will be more likely to buy it too.
    • Use pictures of good quality. Use high-quality pictures to show off your goods. This is important so that buyers can make smart decisions about what to buy. Show the item from different points of view. Let them get a closer look at the details.
    • Test with A/B. A/B testing compares two versions of your page’s features to see which one turns more visitors into buyers. You can do this with different A/B testing plug-ins.
  2. Work on getting pages to load faster.The success of your online store depends on how quickly your site loads. Several studies have shown that the bounce rate goes up when your website takes longer to load.

    You’d like your website to load in a couple of seconds if possible. Because it doesn’t matter how interesting your site is if people leave before it loads. So important is speed to your change. So think of it as a very important part of your plan to improve your online conversion rate.

    Here are some things you can do to speed up your website:

    • Look for places to improve. Pagespeed Insights and GTmetrix are both great tools that can help you find out how well your website is doing. They also tell you what you can change, which helps you find key areas for improvement.
    • Change to a service that is faster. If you have an online store, don’t use shared hosting. You need ecommerce service that is fast and can grow with your store.
    • Change to a faster theme. Your choice of style can also affect how well your website works. To speed up your store, you might want to switch to one of the many fast WordPress themes.
  3. Get rid of any distractions on your site.What you see above is a great example of a well-made online shop. Putting too many distractions or things that move on your site is not a good idea, and it will hurt the way your store works.

    One of the most important parts of ecommerce optimization is getting rid of things on your site that aren’t needed. For example, do you really need a sidebar on every page to get people to join your email list?

    On a sales page, maybe a footer would do the job well? You might just need a full site audit to get started.

    You can use a number of SEO audit tools to get a better idea of how well your website is doing and to get rid of things you don’t need for good ecommerce website optimization.

  4. Make your content uniqueModern buyers want a shopping experience that is very tailored to them. They like getting the “red carpet treatment,” and most ecommerce shop owners use this as a key point of difference.

    If you can’t do that, you won’t sell as much. If you haven’t customized customer paths based on your buyer personas, you will lose sales. Here are some easy things you can do to improve your ecommerce:

    Make some suggestions. Amazon does this very well, and you should too. Give your customers suggestions and goods that go well together. A lot more people buy when they hear about a product.

    Use where you are. If you sell products around the world or in different areas, you can use geotargeting to give them in the same currency or make suggestions based on where they are sold.

    Adapt based on the type of device. One of the most important parts of ecommerce optimization is making sure that the shopping experience is different depending on what kind of gadget the customer is using.

  5. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.The chart above shows the world sales of mobile ecommerce from 2016 to 2021. This should give you an idea of how important it is to make your ecommerce site mobile-friendly when optimizing it. As you can see, the rate of change has continued to increase greatly, and it’s easy to say that mobile ecommerce is set to grow.

    If your online store isn’t ready for mobile yet, you’re losing out. So, you need to make sure your online store works well on mobile devices. Here are a few things you can do:

    • Check to see if it works on mobile. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to make sure that your site’s text and images work well on mobile devices. Check to see if the details of your products can be read. Make sure that your site is mobile-friendly and easy to use.
    • Choose a simple style. Don’t put too many things on your site. This will leave enough room for CTAs and product groups.
    • Cut down on the amount of writing. Try to be as clear as you can when you write.
    • Make pictures smaller. It should be obvious that you should always compress pictures before putting them on your website.
  6. Use tools to keep trackWith analytics tools, you can keep track of key performance indicators (KPIs) and data to see what’s working and what’s not for your ecommerce store. You’ll also be able to see where people left your website or what pages or parts of your pages led more people to buy.

    With this information, you can improve the parts of your site that aren’t working so well to increase sales. For retail optimization, every choice you make should be based on data.

    You should be able to use tools like Hotjar, Google Analytics, and MixPanel to track how users move through your website and how well your store is doing. Here are some important pieces of information you should know:

    • Use analytics tools like Google Analytics.
    • The KPIs and data for your store.
    • Find your main ways of getting business.
    • Important sales statistics, such as the average order value and the lifetime value of a customers.
    • Any info on conversions

    It’s important to keep track of these things before and after you make changes to your store to see if the changes make your store run better.

  7. Come up with relevant add-onsThe picture above shows how well Apple is at selling extra products. You can easily improve your computer’s specs with just one click. This is one of the most popular ways that companies try to sell more.

    Most of the time, you can offer upsells in different places, such as on your checkout pages, product pages, or even after checkout. Upselling is a great way to give your customers more value for a higher price.

  8. Use A/B testing to hear from users more.A/B testing is a great way for people to give you more feedback. You can use A/B testing to find out what works and what doesn’t when you have an idea for a new color scheme or a new idea for a UX remake.

    There are a number of ways to test landing pages with A/B testing. A/B testing compares two versions of your page’s features to see which one turns more visitors into buyers.

    For example, you can test the conversion rates of two leads for your ecommerce conversion rate optimization: one that is short and to the point, and one that is longer and gives more information.

  9. Make sure your message is aimed at the right people.It’s also important to make sure your message is right for the people you want to reach. If you look at the picture above, it’s easy to see that Cloudways is trying to reach people who are interested in shopping with this page.

    The language on the website is written for people who are interested in shopping, and it makes it clear how the product (hosting) can help them.

    When you write the copy for your website, it’s very important to keep in mind who you’re writing for. Find out what hurts them and write it down.

    Then, before you start writing the copy, you should figure out which of these your product solves.

  10. Simplify the way you check outIt’s also very important to improve your checkout process. From the time a user puts an order until the time they’re about to check out, there shouldn’t be any problems. Try to keep things easy and give people more choices, like a guest checkout.

    If your store doesn’t have a way to check out as a guest, you’re losing out. If you want your cart failure rate to go down, you must offer a guest checkout.

    No one wants to get to the last page of the checkout process and find out that they need to make an account before they can finish their buy.

    For good ecommerce store optimization, you can also follow many other checkout page best practices.

Ecommerce optimization is a process that never ends.

Don’t forget that internet optimization is a process that never ends. Both trends and user tastes change over time. As new trends emerge, it’s important for website owners to adapt and make changes to their sites that fit the new style.

Questions Most Often Asked (FAQs)

Q1: How do I make my shopping site work best?

  • Find the right keywords
  • Make the buying experience unique.
  • Use alt tags when you upload pictures.
  • Use URLs that help with SEO.
  • Optimize the pages for your products.

Q2. Why is it important to do online optimization?

Ecommerce optimization is important because it helps you improve sales and maximize the number of people who buy from you. This also helps you meet more people and get more customers.

Q3: How do you raise the number of people who buy?

With conversion rate, you can keep track of how well a website is doing. It helps site owners learn how people use their sites and lets them make changes to make them better. By keeping an eye on conversion rates, website owners can take steps to lower the cost of getting new customers and make more money from each user.

Q4. How should you start a program to improve the conversion rate?

  • Using mega menus to make page navigation easier
  • Putting in customer reviews and logos
  • Using signs of trust
  • Getting rid of things that don’t belong