Why Kloudbean is better choice for Cloud Hosting?

Today, businesses of all sizes need to pick the right cloud hosting company. There are lots of choices out there, so it can be hard to decide. You want to make sure you’re getting the best service for your money, and that means looking for a company that offers fast, reliable hosting with good customer support.

Kloudbean is a great option because they offer all of that and more. They understand the needs of businesses like yours and work hard to provide top-notch service. With Kloudbean, you can trust that your website will be in good hands, allowing you to focus on running your business without worrying about technical issues.

Here are the reasons that make Kloudbean so special over their competitors.

Blazing Fast Performance

In today’s fast-changing digital world, speed is super important. Businesses need websites and apps that load quickly to keep users happy. Kloudbean knows this well. They’ve teamed up with six top cloud companies to make sure their clients get the best performance and reliability.

Here are Kloudbean’s cloud partners:

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services): AWS has lots of cloud services and servers all over the world. It helps businesses grow and handle lots of users.
  • UpCloud: UpCloud has really fast servers and modern tech. It’s great for businesses that need top-notch performance.
  • Amazon Lightsail: Amazon Lightsail is a VPS provider, the easiest AWS solution for developers, small businesses, and others to build and host applications.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP uses Google’s huge network and new tech to provide fast and reliable services with strong security.
  • Linode: Linode is simple and affordable. It offers good hosting with fast setup and storage, perfect for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Vultr: Vultr has data centres all over the world and high-performance servers. It ensures fast and reliable hosting for businesses that want quick and efficient services.cloud hosting

By teaming up with these cloud providers, Kloudbean gives its clients lots of choices. Whether they have busy websites, demanding apps, or online stores, Kloudbean’s cloud partners help them deliver fast and great user experiences.

Robust Security Measures

Ensuring the safety of your sensitive data is absolutely crucial in today’s digital age, where cyber threats loom large. At Kloudbean, we prioritise the protection of your information by implementing cutting-edge security protocols and encryption methods. Our aim is to shield your data from unauthorised access, malware attacks, and other malicious activities. Rest assured, your valuable data is in capable hands with Kloudbean’s robust security measures.

Additionally, Kloudbean has forged a strategic partnership with BitNinja, a leading provider of advanced security solutions. Through this collaboration, we ensure that every user benefits from top-notch security measures, further enhancing the safety of your data and providing you with peace of mind.

Scalability on Demand

As your business grows, your hosting needs are also increased. Scalable solutions are offered by Kloudbean that can seamlessly accommodate your evolving requirements. Whether a surge in traffic is being experienced or new products/services are being launched, it is ensured by Kloudbean that your hosting infrastructure scales effortlessly to meet demand, without compromising performance or reliability. With Kloudbean’s scalable hosting solutions, you can confidently focus on expanding your business knowing that your online presence will always be supported, adaptable, and reliable.

24/7 Live Chat Support 

In the world of cloud hosting, having dependable support is really important. At Kloudbean, we have a team of dedicated experts who are available all day, every day to help you out with any questions or problems you might have. Whether you need help with technical stuff or tips on making the most of your hosting, our support team is here for you. 

And the best part? You can reach us anytime through live chat, so you don’t have to wait until the next working day for assistance. 

Cost Effective Solutions

While quality is important, it’s also essential to keep costs in mind. Kloudbean understands this and provides pricing plans that are competitive and fit for businesses of any size or budget. Our pricing is transparent, with no hidden fees, so you can benefit from high-quality cloud hosting services without worrying about overspending. Plus, with flexible payment options and cost-effective plans, you can trust Kloudbean to meet your hosting needs without straining your finances.

Pricing: https://www.kloudbean.com/pricing/

Multiple tech stack support

Kloudbean is proud to offer versatile cloud hosting that goes beyond just WordPress and PHP apps. With Kloudbean, you can host various applications built on different frameworks and platforms.

Whether you’re using popular e-commerce platforms like Magento or robust web frameworks like Laravel and Django, Kloudbean supports them all. Whether it’s a content management system like WordPress, web apps with Django, or dynamic websites with Laravel, Kloudbean has the infrastructure and support you need for smooth hosting.

Kloudbean also works with ASP .NET apps and many other tech stacks, making it easy for users to deploy their preferred technologies. Whether you’re a developer, entrepreneur, or enterprise needing reliable hosting for different applications, Kloudbean can meet your needs. No matter your tech stack choice.

multiple tech stacks

The great thing is, you can host multiple applications built on different frameworks on a single server.

When it comes to cloud hosting, Kloudbean is the best option. With its reliable service, fast performance, strong security, flexible scalability, 24/7 support, and affordable plans, Kloudbean has everything you need to succeed online. Say goodbye to hosting problems and hello to Kloudbean – your reliable partner in cloud hosting excellence.

How to deploy a seamless Laravel application on Kloudbean server?

Laravel is a popular PHP development framework. It provides developers with a set of tools and resources to build web applications more efficiently. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which helps in organising the codebase and separating concerns.

It offers features like routing, middleware, authentication, database management, and templating, making it easier to create robust and scalable web applications. Laravel is known for its expressive syntax, developer-friendly documentation, and a vibrant community, making it one of the top choices for PHP developers worldwide.

Deploy Application in Kloudbean Server

Step 1
Log in to Kloudbean Platforms. On the right top corner click on Add Server then select the target server on which you want to deploy the Laravel application.


If you have launched a server earlier then Click on Add Application.



Then from the dropdown select Laravel. Then click on Add Application button. This will take 2-5 mins to lauch the application.

Step 2: Deploy the Application

There are 2 ways you can deploy your code.

  1. Deploy using git repository
  2. Place your code directly into the file manager


  1. Click on Generate SSH Key Now

2. On the next page add the Git Address.This will clone your application on the Kloudbean server.

Step 3:

Copy the SSH key and connect it with Github Repo.

Step 4: Run the Composer

In the terminal, go to the application and then to the public_html folder.

cd application/[applicationName]app_html

Execute the Composer Update command for updating the dependencies of the Laravel application. Note that your application folder name is mentioned on the Access Detail Page.

Step 5: Deploy the database into Kloudbean Server (Optional)

If you already have a database for your Laravel application and you’re deploying it for the first time on a Kloudbean managed server, you’ll need to migrate it first.

For that launch the database manager and then import the sql backup file.

Step 6: Launch the File Manager

Open the .env file and update the necessary configuration changes such as application name and database information.


Step 7: Set up Laravel Scheduler

When you need a scheduler for the Laravel application, you only need to add a cron entry to your server. For this, you need to go to Cron Job Management and click on Advanced. Now add the following script, and click Save.

*  *  *  *  *  /home/[serverFQDN]/[AppUsername]/app_html artisan schedule:run